Asciidoctorj extension to deal with the path to the source directory


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INFO: with version 2.1.0 of the Asciidoctor Gradle Plugin, this plugin is no longer necessary: The variable gradle-relative-srcdir provided by the plugin contains the same value.

In complex asciidoctorj setup (using maven or gradle), it might be usefull to know the relative path to the source directory. The "sourcedir" extension is a preprocessor that provides this value as new attribute: sourcedir.

In order for the extension to work, you need to provide the configured value sourceDir as sourcedir-definition attribute.

When processing following directory, if the source directory is docs/:

├── page1.adoc
└── other
    └── page2.adoc

Then the sourcedir value will be:

  • empty string for page1

  • ../ for page2


The extension is published on maven central and can be directly consumed from maven or gradle.

Integration in a maven build

You need to declare fr.jmini.asciidoctorj:sourcedir as a dependency for the org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-maven-plugin plugin. Your <build> section could looks like this:

        <!-- ... (other dependencies) -->
        <!-- ... (other configuration) -->
          <!-- ... (other attributes) -->
      <!-- ... (other blocks like executions) -->
    <!-- ... (other plugins) -->

For a complete example, see: pom.xml

Integration in a gradle build

The fr.jmini.asciidoctorj:sourcedir jar can be declared as dependency of the asciidoctor task:

asciidoctor {
    sourceDir = file('docs') (3)
    outputDir = file('build/generated-docs')
    attributes = ['sourcedir-definition' : file('docs'), (2)
                  'project-version'      : "$version",
                  'toc'                  : 'left',
                  'icons'                : 'font',
                  'sectanchors'          : 'true',
                  'idprefix'             : '',
                  'idseparator'          : '-']
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        asciidoctor 'fr.jmini.asciidoctorj:sourcedir:1.1.0' (1)
1 Dependency declaration
2 Addition of the sourcedir-definition, must be the same value as "3"
3 Source directory definition for the gradle plugin

For a complete example, see: build.gradle

Which version should I use?

Asciidoctorj version

sourcedir version





The lattest version of this extension is built and tested with version 1.6.1 of org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj.

Source Code

As for any grade plugin, the source code of the plugin is available in the src/ folder.


This project is using gradle.

Command to build the sources locally:

./gradlew build

Command to deploy to your local maven repository:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Command to build the documentation page:

./gradlew asciidoctor

The output of this command is an HTML page located at <git repo root>/build/docs/html5/index.html.

For project maintainers

signing.gnupg.keyName and signing.gnupg.passphrase are expected to be set in your local file to be able to sign. sonatypeUser and sonatypePassword are expected to be set in order to be able to publish to a distant repository.

Command to build and publish the result in a distant maven repository:

./gradlew publish

Command to upload the documentation page on GitHub pages:

./gradlew gitPublishPush

Command to perform a release:

./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true

Using ssh-agent

Some tasks requires to push into the distant git repository (release task or updating the gh-pages branch). If they are failing with errors like this:

org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: ... Permission denied (publickey).

Then ssh-agent can be used.

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(source for this approach)

Get in touch

Use the sourcedir issue tracker on GitHub.

You can also contact me on Twitter: @j2r2b
