21 December 2016
If you need to convert your documentation to the AsciiDoc format, you might be interested in this new feature delivered with Eclipse Oxygen M4 (see also my previous blog post: Asciidoctor instead of MediaWiki?). Any file format supported by Mylyn WikiText (textile, mediawiki, markdown and more) can now be converted to the AsciiDoc format. Just select from the context menu in the package explorer.
A new file is generated near to the original file (example.asciidoc
in this example). Of course you can preview it with your favorite asciidoctor viewer (Chrome with the Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension in my case).
While I was trying to convert some pages of Eclipsepedia to Asciidoctor, I have noticed that some additional concepts need to be supported by the converter. I have opened Bug 508262 to track them. Feel free to leave feedback there if something is not working for you.
You can get the Oxygen M4 version of Eclipse IDE from the Developer Builds download page.