Java library to help working with maven repositories.


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All the logic is in the main class: fr.jmini.utils.mvnutils.Maven

Accessing the base url of maven central

Listing 1. maven central url constant
String url = Maven.MAVEN_CENTRAL_BASE_URL;

Calculate the URL of an artifact in maven central

For a POM file:

Listing 2. maven central url of the pom file of a given artifact
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
String url = Maven.pomMavenCentralUrl(artifact);

For a JAR file:

Listing 3. maven central url of the jar file of a given artifact
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
String url = Maven.jarMavenCentralUrl(artifact);

For any other type you can also provide an extension as parameter (".jar" in this example):

Listing 4. maven central url of any file of a given artifact
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
String url = Maven.mavenCentralUrl(artifact, ".jar");

Calculate the path of an artifact in a local maven repo

For a POM file:

Listing 5. local path of the pom file of a given artifact
Path repository = Paths.get("/tmp/repository");
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
Path pomFile = Maven.pomFileInMavenRepository(repository, artifact);

For a JAR file:

Listing 6. local path of the jar file of a given artifact
Path repository = Paths.get("/tmp/repository");
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
Path jarFile = Maven.jarFileInMavenRepository(repository, artifact);

For any other type you can also provide an extension as parameter (".jar" in this example):

Listing 7. local path of any file of a given artifact
Path repository = Paths.get("/tmp/repository");
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "mvn-utils", "1.0.0");
Path jarFile = Maven.fileInMavenRepository(repository, artifact, ".jar");

Write a file in a local repository

Example for a pom file:

Listing 8. write a file in a local repository
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.example", "tmp", "1.0-SNAPSHOT");
String pomContent = ""
        + "<project xmlns=\"\"\n"
        + "         xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"
        + "         xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
        + "    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>\n"
        + "\n"
        + "    <groupId>fr.jmini.example</groupId>\n"
        + "    <artifactId>tmp</artifactId>\n"
        + "    <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>\n"
        + "    <packaging>pom</packaging>\n"
        + "</project>";
Maven.writeFileToRepository(repository, artifact, ".pom", pomContent);

Handle armored files in a local repository

Listing 9. handle armored files (write and verify)
MavenArtifact artifact = new MavenArtifact("fr.jmini.utils", "example", "1.0-SNAPSHOT");
Path file = repository.resolve("fr/jmini/utils/example/1.0-SNAPSHOT/example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar");
if (!Files.exists(file)) {
    fail(".jar file is supposed to exist");

Maven.writeArmoredFiles(repository, artifact, ".jar", Algorithm.MD_5, Algorithm.SHA_1, Algorithm.SHA_256, Algorithm.SHA_512); (1)

Path folder = file.getParent();
if (!Files.exists(folder.resolve("example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.md5"))) {
    fail(".jar.md5 file is supposed to exist");
if (!Files.exists(folder.resolve("example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha1"))) {
    fail(".jar.sha1 file is supposed to exist");
if (!Files.exists(folder.resolve("example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha256"))) {
    fail(".jar.sha256 file is supposed to exist");
if (!Files.exists(folder.resolve("example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.sha512"))) {
    fail(".jar.sha512 file is supposed to exist");
Maven.verifyArmoredFiles(repository, artifact, ".jar", Algorithm.MD_5, Algorithm.SHA_1, Algorithm.SHA_256, Algorithm.SHA_512); (2)
1 creates the armored files
2 verifies the armored files


The library is hosted on maven central.

Last stable version is: 1.0.0.

Listing 10. coordinates on maven central (xml notation)
Listing 11. coordinates on maven central (single line notation)

Source Code

As for any java project, the source code of the plugin is available in the src/ folder.


This project is using gradle.

Command to build the sources locally:

./gradlew build

Command to deploy to your local maven repository:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Command to build the documentation page:

./gradlew asciidoctor

The output of this command is an HTML page located at <git repo root>/build/docs/html5/index.html.

For project maintainers

signing.gnupg.keyName and signing.gnupg.passphrase are expected to be set in your local file to be able to sign.

Command to upload the documentation page on GitHub pages:

./gradlew gitPublishPush

Command to perform a release:

./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true

Using ssh-agent

Some tasks requires to push into the distant git repository (release task or updating the gh-pages branch). If they are failing with errors like this:

org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: ... Permission denied (publickey).

Then ssh-agent can be used.

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(source for this approach)

Get in touch

Use the MvnUtils issue tracker on GitHub.

You can also contact me on Twitter: @j2r2b
