Command line tool to republish existing jar to a maven repository.


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When you use some of the Eclipse libraries published on Maven Central, not all their dependencies have proper metadata.

The reason is that maven have an other place where to get third party dependencies. This is the Eclipse Orbit project. The problem is that its downloads section do not use a maven repository but a P2 repository.

When you are in a regular maven or gradle job, consuming jars from a P2 repository is not straight forward. Maven repositories are more standard and way easier to use.

This project is about being able to take a jar from anywhere and a POM from maven-central, in order to republish the jar in a maven repository.

Technical details

When doing a publication, several operations are made. Step by step:

  • The jar and optionally the source jar are downloaded from an URL

  • The pom is downloaded form maven central and transformed

    • The effective jar is calculated (using the Apache Maven Help Plugin)

    • Optionally coordinates (groupId, artifactId, version) are changed

    • The pom is flattened (using the Maven Flatten Plugin)

    • A comment about the transformation is added

  • The jars and the pom are published in a local folder

Comment added to the modified pom

The published pom has following comment, so that it is possible to understand where it comes from.

Listing 1. comment added to the published pom
    Original jar location:
    Original source jar location:
    Original POM:
    POM created by the tool:


Listing 2. main help message
Usage: repub-jar [-hV] --input-artifact-id=<inputArtifactId>
                 --input-group-id=<inputGroupId> --input-jar=<inputJarUrl>
                 [--output-version=<outputVersion>] [--repository=<repository>]
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
                  artifactId of the input pom
                  groupId of the input pom
                  url of the jar used as input
                  url of the sources jar used as input
                  version of the input pom
                  artifactId of the output artifacts, when not defined the
                    artifactId of the input pom is used
                  groupId of the output artifacts, when not defined the groupId
                    of the input pom is used
                  version of the output artifacts, when not defined the version
                    of the input pom is used
                  Folder path (relative to the working folder or absolute) of
                    the maven repository where the artifacts are published. By
                    default 'repository' inside the working folder is used
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
                  Path of the working folder, when not defined a toporary
                    folder is used


To download the jar together with its source jar from the P2 Update site. The corresponding pom in Maven Central is

Command to publish the jar in a local maven repository with the pom coming from maven central:

Listing 3. command line usage example
repub-jar --input-jar= \
  --input-sources-jar= \ \
  --input-artifact-id=icu4j \
  --input-version=64.2 \ \
  --output-version=64.2.0.v20190507-1337 \

The command creates following output:

Listing 4. command line usage example
└── patched
    └── com
        └── ibm
            └── icu
                └── icu4j
                    └── 64.2.0.v20190507-1337
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337-sources.jar
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337-sources.jar.md5
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337-sources.jar.sha1
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337-sources.jar.sha256
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337-sources.jar.sha512
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.jar
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.jar.md5
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.jar.sha1
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.jar.sha256
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.jar.sha512
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.pom
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.pom.md5
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.pom.sha1
                        ├── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.pom.sha256
                        └── icu4j-64.2.0.v20190507-1337.pom.sha512


The tool is hosted on maven central.

Listing 5. coordinates on maven central (xml notation)

It is available as regular jar. Jbang is really convenient to run it:

jbang run fr.jmini.utils:repub-jar:1.0.0 --help

A self executing jar is available as well:

Source Code

As for any java project, the source code of the plugin is available in the src/ folder.


This project is using gradle.

Command to build the sources locally:

./gradlew build

Command to run the tool locally, passing the --help argument to the application:

./gradlew run --args="--help"

Command to deploy to your local maven repository:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Command to build the documentation page:

./gradlew asciidoctor

The output of this command is an HTML page located at <git repo root>/build/docs/html5/index.html.

For project maintainers

signing.gnupg.keyName and signing.gnupg.passphrase are expected to be set in your local file to be able to sign.

Command to upload the documentation page on GitHub pages:

./gradlew gitPublishPush

Command to perform a release:

./gradlew release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true

Using ssh-agent

Some tasks requires to push into the distant git repository (release task or updating the gh-pages branch). If they are failing with errors like this:

org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: ... Permission denied (publickey).

Then ssh-agent can be used.

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(source for this approach)

Get in touch

Use the RepubJar issue tracker on GitHub.

You can also contact me on Twitter: @j2r2b
